What is the Pyramid Model?

The Pyramid Model is a framework for supporting and promoting social emotional competence for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. This framework is comprised of evidence-based practices and was developed by two federally-funded research and training centers: The Center for the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL – pronounced “sef-ul”) and The Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Interventions (TACSEI – pronounced “tac-see”). Although these centers are no longer funded, the information and products are still available and are FREE. The Pyramid Model is an effective way to create supportive, inclusive settings for young children with developmental delays, children who may be at risk for developmental delays and/or children with disabilities. For an in-depth overview, please take a few minutes to watch a visual tour of the Pyramid Model.

Why is social emotional competence important?

When children have the social skills to get along with others, they are able to effectively communicate their wants and needs, appropriately interact with adults and peers, and are ready to learn. Challenging behaviors often occur when children have social emotional delays and lack appropriate social skills. Teaching and promoting social emotional competence can prevent most challenging behaviors.

What is happening in Nevada?

Nevada TACSEI is a statewide, collaborative initiative for supporting young children’s social emotional competence. Nevada TACSEI’s Statewide Leadership Team is comprised of members from a variety of agencies, programs and services who are committed to supporting social emotional development and preventing challenging behavior. Master Cadre members are experienced trainers, coaches and technical assistance providers for the Pyramid Model and are located throughout the state. Model Demonstration Sites are programs that have committed to implementing the Pyramid Model program-wide.