End of Year Celebration
Each year Nevada TACSEI holds an End of Year Celebration. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together our state-wide Nevada TACSEI family. We provide targeted training, highlight the progress of our Implementation and Demonstration sites, and showcase our work to policymakers, stakeholders and potential supporters.
2016 Celebration
- Ice-Breaker!
- Ice-Breaker!
- Break-Out Group Discussions
- Aleph Academy Presentation
- Aleph Academy Presentation
- Washoe Tribe Presentation
- Wells FRC Presentation
2015 Celebration
- Wells FRC Presentation
- Wells FRC Presentation
- Lamb of God Presentation
- Lamb of God Presentation
Nevada AEYC Conference
- Vendor Table
- Vendor Table
- Zippy & Moe
- Calm Down Strategies
- Tactile Calm Down Strategies
- Emotion Books
- Calm Down Strategies
- Social Stories and Visual Calm Down Strageties
- Module 3a Presentation
- Module 3a Presentation
- Session Participants
- Demonstration Site Presentation – Using the Strategies
- Demonstration Site Presentation – Using the Strategies
Coaching Training presented by Teresa Byington in Reno on February 7, 2013
Training on Social Emotional Strategies- Module Two of the Pyramid Model. October 2012 at the Reno Sparks Indian Colony